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Story Time

My name is Tori and I have a long story I will tell you soon.

Where does your food come from?

Being close to the source

It started with growing microgreens on the windowsill in 2018 and have expanded to my current market garden of 1000 square feet encompassing seasonal fresh herbs, veggies, berries and edible flowers. I added silver fox rabbits for showing, food, and fur and pets in Aug of 2022. 


Silver Fox rabbits are an American Heritage breed and is listed on the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy's (ABLC) Conservation Priority List as an "in recovery" rabbit breed (see more in on the rabbitry page.) In breeding for the Standard of Perfection as laid out in the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) handbook we endeavor to further help the breed return to prevalence.


We are a registered ARBA rabbitry! Rabbitry number: D12346

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